ECCO is an International Non-Profit Association (aisbl) established and governed by the provisions of Title III of the law of 27 June 1921 on not-for-profit associations, foundations and international not-for-profit associations under the name of the Federation of European Cancer Societies (FECS), branded as ECCO – the European CanCer Organisation, abbreviated as “ECCO”. Following the philosophy that every cancer patient deserves the best, ECCO – the European CanCer Organisation is especially structured to respond to the needs of its Member Organisations, connect and serve all stakeholders in oncology Europe-wide. It exists to uphold the right of all European cancer patients to the best possible treatment and care, and promote interaction between all organisations involved in cancer research, education, treatment and care at the European level.
Acting as a multi-specialty European forum leveraging knowledge, promoting education and building awareness, ECCO – through its Member Organisations - represents and connects with the entire spectrum of specialties and interests from basic, applied and translational research to practice, treatment, care and advocacy.
ECCO will be heavily involved in dissemination of the project.
Acting as a multi-specialty European forum leveraging knowledge, promoting education and building awareness, ECCO – through its Member Organisations - represents and connects with the entire spectrum of specialties and interests from basic, applied and translational research to practice, treatment, care and advocacy.
ECCO will be heavily involved in dissemination of the project.